GLADSMUIR Parish Church launches its ‘Sing at 6.30’ summer season of monthly evening services on Sunday.

The services offer a mix of hymns set around different themes from now until September.

In addition to congregational singing, they feature some of the church’s instruments, including a historic church organ and a theatre organ which has a range of sounds and musical versatility that make it unique in Scotland.

Sunday’s service has the theme ‘A Song of Springtime’, with hymns focusing on Easter, new life and the glory of creation.

The Rev Dr Robin Hill, minister, said: “This time last year, we embarked on our first full ‘Sing at 6.30’ season and it was a great success.

“We are really looking forward to building on this from April to September 2024.”

All are welcome and admission is free, with a retiring offering for Christian Aid Scotland. Refreshments will be provided after the service.