MUSSELBURGH’S annual fireworks display at Musselburgh Racecourse – the biggest in East Lothian – has been cancelled for 2023.

East Lothian Council has cancelled the display, which is run jointly with the racecourse and Musselburgh Common Good Fund, following the completion of further restoration of the last two remaining lagoons at Musselburgh Links.

Councillor Andy Forrest, depute provost, said that the noise from putting on a display would be damaging to new wildlife.

Mr Forrest said: “A number of local residents have expressed concern in recent years about the close proximity of the fireworks displays at Musselburgh Racecourse to Levenhall Links and resulting disturbance to wildlife.

“Levenhall Links is a rich mix of grasslands, woodland, ponds, artificial wader scrapes and ash lagoons providing a range of habitats for wildlife and roosts for wading and seabirds, and is a designated SPA (Special Protected Area).

“The completion of further restoration works, extensive tree planting, wildflower sowing and installation of viewing hides have transformed this previous industrial site into an internationally renowned wildlife and recreational area.

“Unfortunately, the disturbance from a major fireworks display is incompatible with the often-fragile diverse habitats located here.

“Both the Musselburgh Common Good Fund and East Lothian Council would like to thank Musselburgh Racecourse for their hosting of the fireworks events in recent years.

“We’re not, unfortunately, in a position to have a suitable alternative location for an event this year but wanted to advise the public well before November.

“We realise that this news will be a disappointment to many in the local community but we’re seeking to find a suitable alternative for 2024.”

Bill Farnsworth, Musselburgh Racecourse general manager, said: “We have been happy to host and support the annual fireworks event over recent years, which was well loved by the Musselburgh community.

“We understand the rationale behind the decision not to stage the event in 2023 and hope that any future events at an alternative location are equally a success.”